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We write news just for you to keep up with the news, technologies, progress, development, new approach to the problem offered by Sadora.

Wall mold occurs on a moist surface with a favorable temperature. The most common cause is the condensation of water vapor on surfaces, but it can also be due to capillary moisture in the walls, water penetration through the joints of terraces, balconies, facades, etc.
There are also adsorptive air dehumidifiers that are used more in industry and work on the principle of a substance that absorbs moisture such as silica gel. Silica-gel has the ability to absorb moisture from the air, and a special system constantly dries moisture-saturated grains.
The lower the air humidity, the lower the heating costs. Normal air humidity in the living space is 55-60%. At 70% air humidity, 26% more energy is needed for heating. At 80% air humidity, 36% more energy is needed for heating.
Winter has set in, it's cold outside. In your warehouse, hall, tent, greenhouse or any other space, the temperature cannot rise to the desired level. Large spaces often present great challenges for heating systems, which often lose the battle.
Through many years of business, Sadora has proven to be a leading company in Croatia in the sector of drying and combating moisture. Based on many years of experience, through interaction with clients, we encountered many types of problems in which moisture did damage.
Pipe bursts can cause major problems and unpleasant situations. If you have experienced this kind of inconvenience and want to minimize the damage, it is important to react correctly and quickly. Damages can be larger or smaller.
Due to its diversity and complexity, moisture represents the biggest challenge in the rehabilitation, construction and preservation of buildings. Moisture-laden walls lead to a decrease in the ability of thermal insulation, to damage to coatings and plaster, and more.