Are you curious about air dehumidification, what is a hygrometer and what is a hygrostat? How do electric dehumidifiers work? Here are a few words about it.
Postoje još i adsorpcijski odvlaživači zraka koji se više koriste u industriji a rade na principu tvari koja upija vlagu kao što je silica-gel. Silica-gel ima sposobnost upijanja vlage iz zraka a poseban sustav neprestano suši vlagom zasićena zrnca. Ovakvi odvlaživači ne ovise o temperaturi zraka i točki rosišta pa mogu raditi na vrlo niskim temperaturama ali su znatno skuplji od kondenzacijskih odvlaživača.
Air dehumidification is the process of removing water (water vapor) from the air.
Air is a mixture of gases and water vapor is water in a gaseous state. Temperature and pressure decide when water will be water, when ice and when steam. Thus, water vapor from the air will change to water if the air cools down to a certain temperature. The temperature at which water vapor from the air turns into water is called dew point. It is easy to remember because it is associated with a natural phenomenon - dew. Here, the dew is strongest when the temperature differences between night and day are the biggest, and it is most abundant in shady valleys. During the day, the air warms up a lot, expands and absorbs a lot of water vapor. During the night, the air cools, collects and releases water. That water is from the air dew or frost in winter. The same thing happens with our windows and walls when the moist air from our kitchen cools on the windows and walls and releases the moisture-water creating condensation.
This is why we use a wide range of home or professional dehumidifiers that quickly dry excess moisture from your space.